Once again a broadcast tip: On the coming Sunday, 4 February, is at 4:15 pm in the Kinderkanal our production "Maya – My Life without hair" in the series "Look into My World".

The filming for the 25-minute report, which was made together with author Anne Scheschonk, already took place in summer 2017. Maya comes from Plön in Schleswig-Holstein and was 13 years old at the time. She leads the normal life of a teenager - only one thing is different: Maya has no hair. More than a year ago all her hair fell out. Maya has alopecia areata, or circular hair loss. About 400,000 children and young people in Germany are like Maya. They don't have any pain, but their body treats their own hair like a foreign body and rejects it. Sometimes it only affects a small area, sometimes the whole body. There is no medicine for it. Whether Maya's hair will ever grow back, the doctors don't know. We accompany Maya through her summer holidays and show an insight into her life without hair.

There are some things that Maya had to learn since she lost her hair, e.g. how to clean a wig and how to cope with the looks of others. This is not always easy, especially in the middle of puberty, which in itself brings enough changes. But Maya masters the ups and downs and learns that beauty is not measured by a hairstyle.

Every Sunday, the format "Look into my world" on the Children's Channel shows a life story of adolescents with a wide variety of thematic focuses. Maya will not only be featured in this format, but we will also meet her again in a documentary film in the course of the year. We are still working hard on this at the moment. New filming is scheduled for the near future. Further broadcasting tips and news about Maya will of course be published via our News Section or at Facebook.


"Maya – My Life without hair"

Sunday, 04.02.2018

16:15 pm IM Kika