D 2019
When Maya is 12 years old, she suddenly loses her hair. Within two weeks, she's completely bald. She has Alopecia Areata . Maya's body repels her hair like foreign material. Two years later, she got used to her bald head. But summer is brutal. When it's too hot for a wig and cap to hide under. In Summer Maya feels naked. And she wonders: How do the others see me? Am I good the way I am? Am I beautiful? Almost like answers to these questions, Maya and her friends produce tons of selfies. And somewhere between clicking, sharing and liking, the girls grow into young women.
MySelfie is a documentary film that observes the levels of self-perception and external perception on which Maya and her friends move. It does not tell of being in love with oneself, but of the search for one's very own self and finally of love for oneself. A coming-of-age film that portrays Maya's individual destiny and the confrontation of a generation with itself.
Anne Scheschonk
In one media
Technical data
Length: 52 min